Boys Part Time Hifz Program
Conducted at salaam

The part-time hifz program is designed for Huffaz who are looking to keep their Quran strong or for students committing to become a Hafiz with a part-time commitment

Quran & Tarbiyah Program
Conducted at salaam

The program will engage the students with Qaida, Nazirah, Duas, and Islamic Manners for boys ages 6-14.

Taught by qualified scholars

Yasar Khan

Despite a bright future ahead of him in secular studies, including a dual Master’s degree by the age of twenty-one, and numerous scholarships from prestigious universities, he sacrificed everything to pursue Islamic Studies. He enrolled in Jamia Al-Husnain, Indianapolis, and studied Arabic, Literature, Hadith, Tafsir, Islamic Theology, Jurisprudence, etc. He then completed his studies at Darus-Salam Seminary, Chicago, where he studied the six major books of Hadith under renowned scholars.


After graduating, He moved to Centerville, Ohio, where he served as an instructor at Falah ud Darain and taught subjects such as Arabic grammar, Arabic Literature, Spoken Arabic, Fiqh, and Hadith. After two years, he decided to move back to his hometown of Arlington, Texas, and help establish Ihya Foundation. He is currently an instructor at Ihya Institute.


Maulana Ibrahim developed the desire to bring Islam to the American society and wanted to fulfill the dream of his father (who passed away رحمه الله ) so he enrolled in Jamia Hasanain in Indiana where he studied the Alamiyyah program for five years. He completed courses in Arabic, Quranic sciences, jurisprudence and more then went on to pursue further education in Pakistan where he enrolled in Jamiatul Hasanain in Faisalabad and completed the six books of Ahadith under the great scholars, Maulana Tariq Jameel, Maulana Ubaidullah and Sheikh Ramzi.

7 year program

Year 1
trimester 1

– Durūs al-Lugah al-ʿArabiyyah V. 1 (Arabic Grammar: Naḥw and Ṣarf)
– Al-Qirā’ah al-ʿArabiyyah V. 1 (Practice reading without Ḥarakāt)
– Al-Qirā’ah al-Rāshidah V. 1 (Arabic writing and sentence structuring)
– Al-ʿArabiyyah bayna Yadayk / Tamrīn Durūs al-Lugah (Conversational Arabic)
– Bidāyah al-Hidāyah & Ayuhā al-Walad (Etiquette’s of a Muslim Student of Knowledge)
– Tajwīd for Beginners (Theory of Tajwīd)

trimester 2

– Durūs al-Lugah al-ʿArabiyyah V. 2 (Arabic Grammar: Naḥw and Ṣarf)
– Al-Qirā’ah al-ʿArabiyyah V. 1 & 2 (Practice reading without Ḥarakāt)
– Al-Qirā’ah al-Rāshidah V. 1 & 2 (Arabic writing and sentence structuring)
– Al-ʿArabiyyah bayna Yadayk / Tamrīn Durūs al-Lugah (Conversational Arabic)
– Ascent to Felicity (Fiqh of Worship; Purification & Ṣalāh)
– Tajwīd for Beginners (Application of Tajwīd) / Bidāyah al-Hidāyah

trimester 3

– Durūs al-Lugah al-ʿArabiyyah V. 3 (Arabic Grammar: Naḥw and Ṣarf)
– Al-Qirā’ah al-ʿArabiyyah V. 2 (Practice reading without Ḥarakāt)
– Al-Qirā’ah al-Rāshidah V. 2 (Arabic writing and sentence structuring)
– Intermediate level Ṣarf (Arabic Morphology)
– Ascent to Felicity / Al-Fiqh al-Muyassar V. 1 (Fiqh of Worship; Remainder of Ṣalāh & Zakāh)
– Tajwīd for Beginners (Application of Tajwīd) / Bidāyah al-Hidāyah

Year 2
trimester 1

– Jāmiʿ al-Durūs al-ʿArabiyyah (Naḥw)
– Al-Qirā’ah al-ʿArabiyyah V. 3
– Al-Fiqh al-Muyassar V. 2 (Muʿāsharāt; Beginners Islamic Civil Law: Family Relations)
– Adab & Shiʿr (Arabic literature & Poetry)
– Iʿrāb al-Qur’ān (Grammatical analysis of the Qur’ān)
– Al-Fiqh al-Muyassar V. 1 (Fiqh of Worship; Fasting & Hajj)

trimester 2

– Jāmiʿ al-Durūs al-ʿArabiyyah (Naḥw)
– Al-Qirā’ah al-ʿArabiyyah V. 3 & 4
– Al-Fiqh al-Muyassar V. 2 (Muʿāmalāt; Beginners Islamic Business Law)
– Adab & Shiʿr (Arabic Literature & Poetry)
– Iʿrāb al-Qur’ān (Grammatical Analysis of the Qur’ān)
– Al-ʿAqīdah al-Taḥāwiyyah

trimester 3

– Jāmiʿ al-Durūs al-ʿArabiyyah (Naḥw)
– Al-Qirā’ah al-ʿArabiyyah V. 4
– Al-Fiqh al-Muyassar V. 2 (Ḥudūd / Miscellaneous Beginners Islamic Property Law & Criminal Law)
– Adab & Shiʿr (Arabic literature & Poetry)
– Iʿrāb al-Qur’ān (Grammatical analysis of the Qur’ān)
– Al-Sīrah al-Nabawiyyah (History of the Life of the Messenger of Allāh)

Year 3
trimester 1

– Al-Balāgah al-Wāḍiḥah
– Mukhtaṣar al-Qudūrī: ʿIbādāt (Intermediate Laws of Worship)
– Usūl al-Shāshī (Principles of Fiqh)
– Basic Tafsīr of the Qur’ān
– Mantiq 1 (Logic)
– Al-Sīrah al-Nabawiyyah (History of the Life of the Messenger of Allāh)
– Al-Muqaddimah al-Jazariyyah (Advanced Tajwīd)

trimester 2

– Al-Balāgah al-Wāḍiḥah
– Multaqā al-Abḥur: Muʿāsharāt & Muʿāmalāt (Intermediate Islamic Civil Law: Family Relations & Business Law)
– Usūl al-Shāshī (Principles of Fiqh)
– Basic Tafsīr of the Qur’ān
– Mantiq 2 (Logic)
– Al-Sīrah al-Nabawiyyah (History of the Life of the Messenger of Allāh)
– Al-Muqaddimah al-Jazariyyah (Advanced Tajwīd)

trimester 3

– Al-Balāgah al-Wāḍiḥah
– Multaqā al-Abḥur: Ḥudūd/Miscellaneous (Intermediate Islamic Property Law & Criminal Law)
– Usūl al-Shāshī (Principles of Fiqh)
– Basic Tafsīr of the Qur’ān
– ʿIlm al-Munāzarah
– Tārīkh (Islamic History post demise of the Messenger of Allāh)
– Al-Muqaddimah al-Jazariyyah (Advanced Tajwīd)

Year 4
trimester 1

– Al-Balāgah al-Wāḍiḥah
– Sharḥ ʿUqūd Rasm al-Muftī (Principles of Ḥanafī fiqh research Methodology)
– Al-ʿAqīdah al-Sanūsiyyah
– ʿUlūm al-Qur’ān  (Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur’ān)
– Al-Targhīb wa al-Tarhīb (Imām Mundhirī’s compilation of Ḥadith)
– Usūl al-Ḥadīth (Mutakhirīn Methodology to the principle’s of Ḥadīith)
– Tārīkh (Islamic History post demise of the Messenger of Allāh)

trimester 2

– Al-Balāgah al-Wāḍiḥah
– Tatbīq Usūl al-Iftā’ (Application of the principles of Ḥanafī Research)
– Al-ʿAqīdah al-Sanūsiyyah
– ʿUlūm al-Qur’ān & Usūl al-Tafsīr  (The Sciences of the Qur’ān & The principle’s of Tafsīr)
– Al-Targhīb wa al-Tarhīb (Imām Mundhirī’s compilation of Ḥadith)
– Usūl al-Ḥadīth (Mutaqadimīn/Ḥanafī Methodology to the principle’s of Ḥadīth)
– Tārīkh (Islamic History post demise of the Messenger of Allāh)

trimester 3

– Al-Balāgah al-Wāḍiḥah
– Tatbīq Usūl al-Iftā’ (Application of the principles of Ḥanafī Research)
– Al-ʿAqīdah al-Sanūsiyyah
– Usūl al-Tafsīr (The principle’s of Tafsīr)
– Al-Targhīb wa al-Tarhīb (Imām Mundhirī’s compilation of Ḥadīth)
– ʿIlm al-Jarḥ wa Ta’dīl (Science of Analysis of Ḥadīth transmitters)
– Sharḥ al-Wiqāyah (Intermediate-Advanced Fiqh)

Year 5
Coming soon
Year 6
Coming soon
Year 7
Coming soon

Register today

Classes starting August 2023

Part Time Hifz
Quran & Tarbiyah
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