Maulānā Asif Al Amin

Maulānā Asif al Amin was born in the district of Mymensingh, Bangladesh, and embarked on his journey to the USA at the age of 14 in 2012. His early education culminated in the completion of Tahfizul Quran at the esteemed Islamabad Hafizia Madrasah in Mymensingh.

His scholarly endeavors took flight when he enrolled in the Alim course at Darul Uloom New York in 2012. Graduating from the rigorous seven-year program in 2019, he distinguished himself by earning ijaza in the six books of hadith, alongside his Sab’ah Qiraat certification.

In November 2020, Maulānā Asif commenced his professional journey at the Islamic Center of Deer Park (ICDP) in Long Island, NY. There, he passionately engaged in teaching Hifz and maktab, nurturing young minds in Islamic education.

August 2022 marked a new chapter as Maulānā Asif relocated to Buffalo, NY, with his family. Taking on teaching responsibilities in the Nazirah class and Alim course at Madinatul Uloom, he continues to enrich the lives of students and contribute to the community through his dedicated pursuit of knowledge.