Maulānā Yosif Ahmed

Maulānā Yosif Ahmed was born in Sudan and moved to the United States at a young age. Sudan, known for its rich Islamic scholarship, provided a strong foundation for his journey into religious education.

Demonstrating a profound dedication to Islamic scholarship, he memorized the Quran by the age of 13. His journey in religious education began with the first three years of the Alim course at Darul Uloom New York. He then completed the last three years of his studies at the esteemed Darul Uloom Azaadville in South Africa, a prestigious institution known for producing distinguished Islamic scholars.

Mawlana Yosif further honed his expertise by studying the seven qiraat, the canonical methods of Quranic recitation, under the guidance of the renowned Qari Abdullah Motara during his stay in Azaadville. This rigorous training allowed him to master these diverse recitation styles.

Maulānā Yosif Ahmed continues to contribute significantly to his community through teaching and mentoring, embodying a commitment to preserving and imparting Islamic knowledge and traditions. His journey reflects his dedication and exceptional proficiency in Islamic studies, making him a respected figure in his field.